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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a business software (enterprise resource planning software) developed by Microsoft. It is an integrated solution for financial and accounting management, purchasing, sales, inventory management, manufacturing and project management, specifically designed for small and medium-sized businesses.

The software is hosted in the cloud and allows users to access business data from anywhere an Internet connection is available.

Through integration with other Microsoft products such as Office 365, Power BI and Power Apps, users can visualize, analyze and share data to make informed decisions.

Business Central also offers an open architecture and is extensible, which means users can customize and extend the software to meet their specific business needs by adding additional features and third-party applications.

Your partner for Dynamics 365

Gerwing ERP-Software GmbH is a Cloppenburg-based company that specializes in consulting and developing software solutions based on Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 Business Central.